

Public Accountability Pledge:

For non-Black members of the theatrical community

I pledge to be held publicly accountable in making Broadway and the larger theatrical industry an anti-racist, equitable community. I pledge to continue to show up in the coming months and years to learn about my role as an ally. I will actively create space for the community to continue to hold me accountable if and when I am not doing my part to stand up against structural racism. I will listen in order to understand, not to defend or deflect.

I recognize that the work will require a long-term commitment to identifying and addressing racism, making necessary policy changes, building equitable and inclusive workplaces, and remaining accountable.  

I pledge to insist that spaces where I lend my creative talent must actively pursue the work of anti-racism.

I pledge to lean into difficult conversations with individuals and institutions in the industry who have not made these commitments or who are failing to live up to them.

I pledge to examine and dismantle my own learned racism. I will sit in the discomfort this brings, and will not let my discomfort render me silent or derail the necessary work.

I pledge to use my social, cultural, and financial capital to amplify institutions and productions led by people of color, and to call out those that do not involve this leadership.

Signing this pledge does not take me off the hook. I am making a public, long-term commitment to these practices. Hold me accountable.






We believe meaningful storytelling comes from disrupting conventional narratives and amplifying under-represented voices.